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Property Maintenance


Property Maintenance

The City of Fairborn enforces a property maintenance code to maintain the character of our community. The code outlines general provisions for property maintenance and applies to residential, commercial, and business properties. Examples of property maintenance include:

  • General maintenance condition of the structure on the property, such as exterior siding, broken windows, gutters and downspouts in disrepair, peeling paint, roofs, walls or foundations in disrepair, deteriorated sidewalks, sheds, garages and fences in disrepair, or unsanitary conditions on or about the property
  • Material storage on property
  • Parking vehicles in the yard area
  • Trash, car parts, furniture, appliances, and other debris on the property

The City's Code Enforcement and Property Maintenance Officers enforce the property maintenance and zoning code regulations adopted by the City of Fairborn. Those ordinances can be found in Part Thirteen, Title Five of the Fairborn Codified Ordinances.

  • Abandoned Property The Property Maintenance Division is asking for your help in identifying abandoned properties. These types of properties are often vacated suddenly, unmaintained or unsecured.
  • Reporting Code Violations If you are aware of a possible property code violation, there are several ways to alert a Code Enforcement Officer.
  • Property Maintenance Definitions Please see this list of everyday property maintenance items and definitions that we often get questions about. 

 Grass Ordinance Flow Chart

Contact Us

Eric Bull
Zoning and Code Enforcement Specialist
Phone: 937-754-3010

Titus Smith
Code Enforcement Officer
Phone: 937-754-3010

24-Hour Hot Line